- やす - Inexpensive, cheap, low-priced

Other Meanings

安い - やすい - Cheap, Inexpensive, low (cost)

Some Compounds

安全 - あんぜん - Safety, security
安住する - あんじゅうする - Live peacefully

This is another Kanji that I have found has very similar meanings. I'm not totally sure when (or if) you would use 安 on its own compared to 安い. I'm sure it will become clearer as I learn more. Almost on the last day now. I'll have to get a good recap post ready at the weekend to finish off the series.

Edit: I had accidentally typed the second compound wrong. one character difference created quite different Kanji. Here's what I got:

Right: 安住する - あんじゅうする - Live peacefully

Wrong: 庵主する - あんじゅする - ???

It seems on a search that the wrong one might not mean anything valid. Searching on the Kanji along found this, in English it had this meaning "nun in charge of a Buddhist convent":


Quite the strange result for just missing one う.

Tags: 30DaysOf | Kanji | JapaneseQuery