So I got a bit side tracked on an issue that I've had in mind for quite some time. I wanted to find and use a simple Micro ORM for C# .NET to speed up work with databases. The trouble is it takes time to figure out a good system.

I had come across a question (Which Micro ORM to use?) on that lists three common projects. I decided to try out PetaPoco today. It didn't really work out first as the T4 template didn't work correctly and it does seem that its not really updated that much now (last commit 16/04/2012 right now with 57 open issues).

So I'm going to stop trying with that and try out OrmLite (from ServiceStack) . This project was last updated on 27/08/2012 and has 5 open issues. so it appears to be more active. It also supports SQLite which PetaPoco didn't and I wanted to use. So I will have a quick go with that and see how it goes. Hopefully I will finally have my answer about using a Micro ORM for C#

Tags: .NET | ORM | Databases